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SBA – Small Business Association
A great resource for small businesses and start-ups. The SBA provides free resources, tools and content along with the expected SBA loan information.
PMI – Project Management Institute
Information, tools, training and products for to help with project management skills and efforts. Some are free and others for purchase.
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade
The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) works with statewide partners to create a positive business climate that encourages dynamic economic development and sustainable job growth.
Colorado PTAC - Colorado Procurement Technical Assistance Center
Providing procurement technical assistance to help you in the selling of your products or services to the appropriate government agency by offering confidential counseling at no cost. The core of the procurement assistance program is counseling and education. Ninety-two Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs) – with over 300 local offices – form a nationwide network of dedicated procurement professionals working to help local businesses compete successfully in the government marketplace. PTACs are the bridge between buyer and supplier, bringing to bear their knowledge of both government contracting and the capabilities of contractors to maximize fast, reliable service to our government with better quality and at lower costs. Is your business outside of Colorado? Find your local PTAC here.
Denver Metro SBDC – Denver Small Business Development Center
The Denver Metro Small Business Development Center (SBDC) serves dedicated entrepreneurs who want to strengthen their path to success. Utilizing the powerful partnerships of the Colorado Small Business Development Center Network and the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, the Denver Metro SBDC has been a cornerstone of the business community for over 25 years.
Denver Purchasing Bid List - City of Denver Purchasing Bid and RFP List. Updated on their LinkedIn page.
Denver Construction Bid List – City of Denver Public Works Construction Bid List